Beaujolais Bash (Virtual) & Silent Auction
RSO Beaujolais Bash ~ Saturday, November 21st
This year’s event is an “At Home Wine Tasting” with a 30-minute program that begins at 8PM, and an online silent auction.
Event Packages Sold Out
Each B-Bash Basket includes everything you need for an “at home” Wine Tasting for 4 people:
- 3 Bottles of Wine
- 4 Wine Glasses
- Hors d’oeuvres
- Dessert
- 750 ml bottle of Lockwood Bourbon Cream Liqueur
- Coasters
- Decorations
- Access to our Online Program @ 8 p.m.
- And More!
How to participate:
1) Pick up your B-Bash Basket at the The Wine Authority on Friday, November 20th or Saturday, November 21st. 508 West Lookout Drive Suite 24, Richardson, TX 75080
2) Order Dinner: Participating Restaurants will provide B-Bash Dinner Specials beginning Wednesday, November 18th for you to purchase directly:
Pinedas – pinedasmexican.com or (972) 863-8466,
Check out Dinner Specials Here: Pineda’s B-Bash Specials
The Fifth Fireside Patio – thefifthtx.com or (214) 758-0777
Check out Dinner Specials Here: The Fifth B-Bash Specials
Lockwood Distilling Co. – lockwooddistilling.com or (469) 399-1599
Check out Dinner Specials Here: Lockwood B-Bash Specials
3) Tune in: Join us on Facebook Live on the 21st at 8p.m. for a fun program featuring a wine tasting with sommelier Kyle Kepner and Maestro Clay Couturiaux. Visit with friends, bid on silent auction items, and win prizes.